Resource links from presenters are not maintained by SVCUE. If you cannot access a past presentation, please contact the presenter.
Interested in what was shared at our 2017 T3 event? Look below for the list of workshops that were offered and resources that have been posted. Additionally, check out this great Storify of the day of learning!
ARCHIVE: 2017 SVCUE Teach Through Technology
Resources from 2016 Presentations and Workshops
Resources from 2015 Presentations and Workshops
Resources are available in the Sched below. Click on the session below and look for a gray "Resources" button above the session description.
Resources from 2014 Presentations and Workshops
Resources from 2013 Presentations and Workshops
- Engaging Students with Math Talks and Common Core (slides and materials available) Greg Pitzer
- Creating Screencasts for Primary Grades (slides available) Diana Albert
- Increasing Student Participation with Backchanneling (slides available) Angela Estrella
- iPad Integration in the Humanities Classroom (iBook available) Jack Riviere
- Video Lessons with QuickTime or Educreations (slides available) Jonathan Natividad
- Using High-Tech Tools to Create a Culture of Literary Nerds (slides available) (session materials available) Megan Ellis
- Digital Storytelling with Your iPad (slides and videos available) Burt Lo
- iPads, QR codes and Cloud Storage (notes, slides, materials available) Anne Dumontier
- SketchUp! Build 3D, Architecture, Creativity, and it's FREE! (slides available - just enter email) Erin Stacey and Camillo Willis
- The NSTA Learning Center - Online Resources for Building Teacher Science Content (pdf available) Deborah Tucker
- Bring on the Bling - Creative Apps = Powerful Connections (slides available) Smita Kolhatkar and Carolyn Tuomy
- Do You Flubaroo? And Other Amazing Scripts You Should Learn About (site and slides available) Roni Habib
- Simplify Your Life with Your Digital Swiss Army Knife (slides available) Elizabeth Calhoon and Kyle Brumbaugh
- Flipped Mindset, Flipped Equation, Flipped Learning (slides available) Cheryl Morris
- Reflecting with ePortfolios: Building an Online Showcase (slides and materials available) Greg Pitzer
- Motivate, Engage and Inspire your students by Integrating Movie-Making in the Curriculum (slides available) Smita Kolhatkar and Shromila Gupta
- YouTube in the Classroom – An AMAZING Tool (site available) Roni Habib
- 1:1 Chromebooks in 5th Grade (slides available) (Prezi available) Lisa Diffenderfer
- eBooks for (Foreign Language) Teachers and Students (notes, slides, materials available) Anne Dumontier
Resources from 2012 Presentations and Workshops
- Catlin Tucker:,
- Teresa Guilian:
- Colt Briner: Socrates
- Lisa Diffenderfer: iPad Panel (pdf), iPad Panel (PPT)
- Kellie Binney: Using Video To Enhance Instruction (notes)
- Robert Pronovost: